Today was a great day! Here is the most recent image of the two cloned mares from Royal Blue Boon.
Royal BlueBoon Too and Royal BlueBoon Two!!!
It was hard to get them to both pose, they would rather play together.
The Girls, as I like to call them are simply gorgeous. The one on the left was born on my birthday, so I have a special fondness for her. Elaine Hall Barclay has been a wonderful friend and client, allowing me to photograph them since the moment they arrived at her ranch as babies. For those of you who are not aware, they are the first commercially cloned horses in North America. www.larryhallcuttinghorses.com is where you can learn more about them, simply click on Royal Blue Boon. Here is the link directly to the clones CLICK HERE
The Girls spend every day in paradise, grazing out in the beautiful Texas sunshine.
Here in Elaine Halls words, her thoughts on the first clone when she was born.
"When commercial cloning was introduced to the horse industry, I cloned her because I felt "the top mare in the industry" deserves the honor of having her genes preserved. Participating in history-making technology is exciting, and because of who she is — a "one of a kind" mare with some mighty powerful genes — Royal Blue Boon is now also the first commercially cloned horse.
My plan is never to train Royal Blueboon Too — perhaps use her only for breeding. Meanwhile, with no regrets, I simply enjoy this new venture one day at a time; I cherish the fun of watching her grow and change daily, and I'm ever amazed at how truly identical she is to Royal Blue Boon."
Here is Billie Burke Boon, a 2007 colt